フォーム 予約 決済 メルマガなど集客機能がオールインワン!

なら誰でも簡単にホームページが始められます。 今すぐ試してみる 簡単にホームページ作成

ArigaTo The World Art Exhibition

7th(thu)-13th(wed) July 2022

Sway Gallery London

70-72 Old Street London EC1V 9AN
Mon-Fri 11-19
Sat 12-18



Bring your “Arigato(Gratitude)” message to connect the world in peace, love and hope at Sway Gallery in London

A special art event to decorate bamboo branches with “Arigato(Gratitude)” messages from all over the world, called “ArigaTo the World” will be held from July 7th 2022 till 13th July at Sway Gallery in London.

The 7th July is Tanabata Day in Japan. On this day Japanese people hang colorful decorations and strips of paper containing their wishes and hopes for the future on bamboo branches.In the Tanabata story, on the night of 7th July,  Orihime and Hikoboshi, who were separated by the Milky Way, can meet only once a year across the Milky Way, but they can not meet up if it rains.

Like this story, through the ongoing global pandemic and recent conflict, we have experienced a world where we haven’t been free to meet our loved ones, some of us have lost contact with the wider world and are still facing a challenging time.

In this art exhibition, we will hold an event to decorate bamboo branches with "Arigato(Gratitude)" messages from all over the world in the hope that such a divided world will once again become a world filled with gratitude and joy. We hope you will join us.

In collaboration with this concept, we have 7 Japanese artists, from Japan and UK, exhibiting their artwork, expressing their gratitude and hope in their own way.

【Exhibiting Artists】
Masami Hiroe : Calligraphic Artist
Fumiko Irie : Film Director, Corsage Artist, Songwriter
T-Stones : Stone Jewellery Artist
Yoshie Allan : Illustrator, Collage Artist
Masako Chini : Weaver
Toshiko I. : Ceramist
Orumi : Holistic Living Artist
7月7日よりロンドンのギャラリーで企画展「ArigaTo The World」 が開催されます。







アート展「Ariga To The World」出展者紹介

Masami Hiroe

Calligraphic Artist
Masami Hiroe developed a well known style of writing in Japan called “Laughter Calligraphy”, which incorporates calligraphy with a lovely smiling character, as communication art.

When Masami was a child, she was not good at expressing herself and communicating with people, she tended to get nervous and her cheeks would blush.

Later in life as an adult she had to care for three family members at the same time and this stressful experience led her to develop PTSD, as well as the breakdown of her 20 year marriage. After that, Masami learned the importance of smiling through Laughter Yoga, and this provided the inspiration for her to establish the "Laughter Calligraphy Inc Japan" at the age of 49.

Masami deeply understands "the importance of living honestly with her own feelings" and started developing a unique way to communicate with her inner self (subconscious) by writing “Smiling Characters”. At the same time she started drawing various art such as buddhist paintings using calligraphy brushes.

Now there are 35,000 students in the "Laughter Calligraphy course". Masami trained more than 500 instructors, mainly women in their 50s. She published 5 books and her works have been used by Japan Post as stamps "Smiling character series that pass on your feelings". Masami received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award. Her motto is "Be yourself."

廣江まさみ アート書家・笑い文字



「笑い文字講座」受講生は3.5万人。50代女性を中心に500名を超える講師を育成。書籍5冊、日本郵便の切手「想いを伝える笑い文字シリーズ」をデザイン。文部科学大臣賞受賞。座右の銘は「すべての人が 自分らしく生きる」。

廣江まさみ インスタグラム  

Fumiko Irie

Film director, Multi talented Artist, Songwriter

As a film director, She produced three documentary films. She also has been involved in shooting and editing for four other works. Her film director's debut in 2006 has been screened in 2000 locations in 18 countries abroad, with over 280000 audience. She also has released 3 music albums  She enjoys her life by producing her original corsages, paintings and illustrations.

監督として、3 作品のドキュメンタリー映画を制作。その他 4 作品で、撮影・編集などで携わる。映画監督デビュー作は海外 18 か国 2000 か所で上映され、観客動員数は 28 万人を超える。現在は、オリジナルコサージュ、絵画やイラストなどのオリジナル作品を制作し、人生を謳歌している。

入江富美子 Webサイト 

入江富美子 インスタグラム  


Stone Jewellery Artist

Takako graduated from Junior college in 1983 and began work as a designer of dresses in the Japanese clothing industry. In 1991 she opened her first shop called "Rosy" selling clothes. She began to make her own jewellery.

In 2004, Takako opened "T-Stones", a shop selling her own, now famous jewellery as well as clothes and incorporating a tea room. She began her studies in Healing, Reiki and Fortune Telling and has over 1,000 customers in Japan buying her

jewellery. In 2009, Takako moved to England where she hopes to carry on her successful original jewellery business. In 2010, She opened her own Atelier in Essex and restarted “T-Stones “of original Jewellery and healing.In 2014, She opened her own shop in Battelesbridge Antique Centre in Essex.


● Advance Crystal Therapy practitioner and healer Lucis  College  FHT(Federation of Holistic Therapists)
● Master Crystal Cave Crystal Mastery Level 1 (Catherine Cracolice)
● Teachers Degree of the Reiki Healing Master system (Usui Reiki / Dolphin)
● London Jewellery School Wire Art course
● Abundance Ray
● Master Angel Stones Empowerment
● Fimo Craft teacher’s course



人生の辛い体験により、石のエネルギー、そしてスピリチュアリティに目覚める。故郷新潟にて、“パワーストーンと紅茶の店 T-Stones” をオープン。パワーストーンを使ってのオリジナルジュエリーが好評で、1000名様以上のお客様からのオーダーをいただく。キャサリンクラコリーチェのチャクラヒーリングの資格、霊気ティチャーの資格を取得。石を使ったルーン占いをはじめる。

英国ESSEXへ移住。LONDONジュエリースクールにて、ワイヤーアートの技術を学び直す。                              2009年よりESSEXの自宅にてスタジオを構え、オリジナルジュエリーの制作と、ストーンヒーリング、霊気ヒーリング、ルーン占いを提供。

2014年7月5日、Battlesbridge Antique Center にパワーストーンとオリジナルジュエリーの店を出店。英国のみならず、フランス、スペイン、オーストラリア、カナダ、アジア各国(タイのプリンセスなど)世界中からアンティークの好きな人々の集まるマーケットで、石好きの顧客を集めてビジネスを展開。



● アドバンス クリスタルセラピー プラクティショナーアンドヒーラー ルーシスカレッジ FHT(Federation of Holistic Therapists)認定
● クリスタルケーブクリスタルマスター レベル1キャサリンクラコリーチェ
● レイキ ヒーリングマスターシステム ティーチャーディグリー (臼井レイキ/ドルフィン)
● ロンドンジュエリースクール ワイヤーアートコース受講
● 天分個性学 セミナー 受講
● アバンダンスレイ マスター
● エンジェルストーン エンパワーメント マスター
● フィモクラフトティーチャーコース取得

T-Stones Webサイト
T-Stones インスタグラム

Chini Masako


Prayer meditation weaver. Masako has  been in the UK for 22 years. Masako encountered Saori Ori 30 years ago when her mother found it for her sister with intellectual disabilities. There are no "mistakes" in Saoriori, which anyone can do, regardless of age or gender, with or without disabilities, and it was perfect for her, who doesn't want to get stuck in the frame. Art is self-healing, and weaving innocently is like meditation. She is weaving with the prayer that "everything is ok" so that the wearer can stay in peace.


Chini Masako インスタグラム

Toshiko I.


Toshiko is a Ceramist and jeweler living in London for 22 years. She also organizes workshops and events for the local community. 

After giving birth to her first daughter , she left her job in the City and became a full-time mum looking after 2 daughters. 

Through the ceramic art and jewelry making that she discovered in London, she has been connected to other artists. 

In July 2019, she opened a Makers’ Collective Shop “Terra Chokubaiten” and the ceramic studio “ The Wonders of Clay” at Walthamstow in East London.

Her aim is to create the vibrant space where independent makers can produce and promote their work directly to the consumers and the place where everyone is welcomed to pop in and feel uplifted by beautiful works by artists.

陶芸とジュエリーを作る人。日本文化のワークショップ・イベント企画人。在英22年、18歳と13歳の娘の母。出産を機に商社を退社、専業主婦に。ロンドンで始めた陶芸とジュエリー作りを通して作り手さんとの縁が広がり、2019年7月に東ロンドンのWalthamstow(ウォルサムストー)でMakers Collective Shop(Terra Chokubaiten/テラ直売店)兼陶芸スタジオ(The Wonders of Clay)、をオープン。”誰でも気軽に入れ、作り手の心がこもった作品を通して皆の心が元気になる場所、作業場とショップの融合空間”の実現を目指し、子育ての傍ら日々精進する毎日。


Holistic Living Artist
Holistic pharmacist and aromatherapist

Born in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. 

She came to England in 2015 due to her husband's work and discovered various alternative therapies. Through her clinical  aromatherapy studies and works, she encountered natural ways of living and cleaning. She found out that mixing citric acid,baking soda and essential oils are keys of natural cleaning which is very easy, gentle and kind to both ourselves and our planet. She has created her own magical powder and started to spread her own cleaning method across the world. She keeps on learning and introducing many ways of natural living with a holistic approach.

東京新宿区出身。調剤薬局薬剤師歴20年。2015年夫の転勤で来英。カラダの不具合に対して、西洋医学の対症療法に代わる代替療法がさまざま存在することを知る。心とカラダ、精神をホールネスにとらえる自然療法の中から英国式クリニカルアロマセラピーを学ぶことを選択。2017年国際資格IFPAを取得後、自宅にアロマセラピーサロン’GRATIA HERBA’開設。セラピストとして 手荒れは困るし、使用するタオルは無臭な方がいい、ということをきっかけに”ナチュラルクリーニ ング”に目覚める。 

クエン酸と重曹を混ぜても効果が落ちないことを見つけてから、家中のケミカルな合成洗剤を無理なく全断捨離することを達成。自分にとっていいことが地球にとってもいい、と氣がついたので、2019年FB グループ『自然派おそうじサークルキッチンから地球を救う』を立ち上げ、クエン酸と重曹を独自にブレンドした”魔法の粉”を使い、誰でも簡単に作れ、小さなお子さんやペットがいても、安心して使えるナチュラルクリーナーを広める活動を開始。 

現在はこの活動に、胎内記憶の世界観を織り交ぜながら、ホリスティックなアプローチで、”自分 と地球にやさしい暮らし方”を提案している。

暮らしのアーティストOrumi インスタグラム

Yoshie Allan

Illustrator, Collage Artist

Illustrator and collage artist, who was born in Fukushima, Japan (1979) and has lived in the UK for 11 years. Since I published my fabric collage artwork and story ‘The most unusual tailors in the world’ in a Japanese art & culture magazine (2006), I have been enjoying connecting with the world through my creations, both original artwork and exciting collaborations with various clients. My published picture books in Japan – ‘Yoshie Fondre’ (Kadokawa publishing); ‘Ponportontan’ (Shodensha); ‘Tsukimimoza’, ‘Giidoro and Marenkaren’ (Skyfish Graphix); ‘Happy Easter’ (Kumon publishing); and more.


2006年より東京を拠点にハギレコラージュ作家・イラストレーター「ヨシエ」 の名で作品の発表をはじめる。

雑誌 Spoon. にハギレで作った絵本「世界にたった2人の仕立てやさん」を連載して以来、イラスト、柄デザイン、広告やパッケージのアートワーク、展覧会やワークショップなど、アートを通した世界とのキャッチボールを楽しんでいる。現在、在英11年目。

日本で出版された絵本は「ヨシエフォンデュ」(角川書店)、「ポンポルトンタン」 (祥伝社)、 「ツキミモザ」「ギイドロとマレンカレン」(Skyfish Graphix)、「ハッピーイースター」 (くもん出版)他。


名称 Sway Garalley
ウェブサイト http://london.sway-gallery.com/
入場料 無料(Entry fee Free)
休館日 日曜日(Sunday)
ウェブサイト http://london.sway-gallery.com/

会場の「Sway Gallery 」について

ロンドンとパリにて日本をコンセプトとしたエキシビション・ギャラリースペース。日本 の文化、美、匠、逸品を世界に紹介する展示を多く開催している。隣接のコンセプトストアでは、日本独自の手仕事の技、洗練されたデザイン性、アイデア性を基準に、ヨーロッパ と日本の文化両方に明るいバイヤーによって厳選された世界に誇れる商品を取り揃えている。

Facebook Group


ArigaTo The World (7/7 London アート展)応援グループ




This project  runs from 20th May to 20th June and all of the ‘Arigato’ strips will be displayed on 7th July.

May your kindness reach to the world



The Tanabata event is run by volunteers. We would appreciate it if you could donate your kindness  for setting up bamboo grassess and any other necessary expenses.

If we collect more than the necessary expenses, we will donate to a charity that leads to our intention to circulate ’Arigato(Thank you)"